About Me
Hi, my name is Karen. I have been down many different avenues in my life and have always been drawn back to Holistic Therapies, and after years of training, I am a qualified, registered and fully insured practitioner of Holistic Therapies, and a full member of CTHA (Complimentary Therapists Association). I decided to live my dream and took the plunge to start my own business, as well as working full time for the NHS as an Enhanced Community Nursery Nurse Practitioner working with parents, mainstream and additional needs children.
I am a wellness enthusiast who enjoys encouraging personal growth and healing through Reiki, I enjoy and create adventure, connection, personal growth, awareness, knowledge and full expression of emotions, learning, studying, experiencing, and practicing my therapies for optimal health and wellbeing. I live my life through the five principles of Reiki.
I work hard to help my clients become the best of themselves, and nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing positive changes in them. My therapies include Reiki for adults, pregnancy, young adults and children, Chakra balancing, Indian Head Massage for adults, young adults and children, Life Coaching, Guided Visual Imagery and Baby Massage.
Clients come to me who have busy stressful lives, worries, lack of sleep, need more life balance, suffer from anxiety, negative thinking or would just like to feel more relaxed. My aim is to provide a confidential, positive, spiritual, safe and calming environment in the comfort of my private therapy room.
My Aim
Is for clients to become more confident, believe they can achieve their dreams and feel better about themselves.
To help overcome their fears, feel relaxed, become more balanced and stress free.
My symbol, the dragonfly symbolises life transformation, by embracing change, positivity, and freedom. This is my mission for myself and for all of my clients.
You can create a new life for yourself. You have that power!